The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, established by the decree of the 15th April 2005 of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, delivers academic titles having a legal value in Italy, Europe and in the Mediterranean Countries, for first-cycle (bachelor) degrees, specialisation degrees (master), doctor’s degrees and master’s degrees. In the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO distinguished lecturers of important universities worldwide deliver their courses in the Internet-based real and virtual spaces in Italian, Arabic, English and French.
A dream that has come true: with the UNINETTUNO you can attend your University from wherever you are with no more limits of space and time.

International Coordination Centre

UNINETTUNO’s organisational structure appears as “network” structure: a Coordination Centre and Technological Poles and Production Centres, located on the national and international territories, interconnected by computer-based networks and also through transmitting and receiving satellite dishes. At present, UNINETTUNO can rely on the Technological Poles already set up in Italy as well as on the facilities and technologies of 31 Technological Poles and 9 Production centres, set up at the universities’ campuses and vocational training centres of the Med Net’U Project partners and based in 11 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area.