

IO1 - Comparative Study: Boosting the effectiveness of online HE learning (EN)

Comparative Study – Boosting the effectiveness of online HE learning in the frame of the project – Deliverable 1.1

IO2 - Guide of Key Pedagogical Principles for effective Online Teaching and Learning

Guide of Key Pedagogical Principles for effective Online Teaching and Learning – Deliverable 2.3 

IO3- iSurvive compass: Online orientation toolkit and customized digital roadmap application for Interactive and Gamified online content Creation

Enrol in the iSurvive – Digital Roadmap for designing online interactive content

Set up Methodology and Work Plan for iSurvive compass: Online orientation toolkit and customized digital roadmap application for Interactive and Gamified online content Creation – Deliverable 3.1

IO4- MOOC training

Enrol in the iSurvive – Digital Roadmap for designing online interactive content
Evaluation and recommendation report