Final Conference

On May 24th at Warsaw University of Life Sciences it was organized Final Conference of iSURVIVE project. Participants had an occasion to listen about the project outcomes: iSurvive compass, MOOC and the training results. 
Presentations showed the products usefulness and the evaluation and recommendations for the future. During the event there was also a presentation and discussion with elearning expert.
Final Conference - iSurvive Project


IO1. Presentation of the results of the comparative analysis in the first task of the project – by Grzegorz Koszela (SGGW).
IO2. A guide to effective online teaching and learning – by Katarzyna Czech (SGGW)
IO3. Functionality and assessment of the effectiveness of the iSURVIVE compas tool – by Mariusz Hamulczuk (SGGW)
IO4. Results of the pilot training – by Luiza Ochnio (SGGW)
iSURVIVE – The digital roadmap – by Luiza Ochnio (SGGW)